Discovering Your Worth

We live in a world obsessed with perfection. From the time we start elementary school, it seems as though the question on everyone’s mind is “What do you want to be when you grow up?” That there’s this pressure from the start, this promise, that there’s going to be a point in your life where you’re there, where you’ve figured it out and you are the thing you’ve worked so hard for.

But you know what? 

God didn’t create us as things.

He created each of us with our own individual quirks, flaws, and imperfections. From the time we can walk, it’s as though we’re expected to be perfect. It’s almost never said directly in the words “If you aren’t perfect, you’re a complete failure.” But the message is there. The world constantly bombards us with images of “flawless” people, social media depicting all of the ups in people’s lives, never the downs. And it’s like a poison that seeps into our subconscious and is constantly giving us a message of “you’re not worthy”.

Do you know what makes you worthy? The fact that you were born and that you’re here right now. 

That’s it.

The very fact that you are breathing air into your lungs makes you worthy of God’s love and His purpose for you. And if the only thing you do in a day is exist, well, that’s more than ok.

Every single thing in your life does not have to be completely set, completely squared away in order for you to be worthy of what it is he has planned for you. Because the harsh truth is that if that’s what you’re waiting on, you’ll never get there. The fact of the matter is that, there is no day you reach ultimate happiness, that is not reality, that’s fantasy.

Giving yourself permission to find peace in that truth is a hard thing, and I get it. He is so divine, and there is so much out there that constantly judges us for our mistakes, but God loves you as you are and so should you!

I’m here to say, “Imperfections are everything.” That’s right. Our imperfections are everything because it’s through our imperfections that our purpose can truly shine.

So, what I’d like you to do is take a second and ask yourself, “Do I want to put stock in trying to be perfect before I truly step into my purpose?” or “Do I want to keep berating myself for constantly falling short of these unreachable expectations?”

I have a feeling that your answer to at least one of these questions is no. But your next question might be, “What now?”

I honestly believe that a true leader has gone through the same things that you’re experiencing and when they say “I’ve been there!” I’m here to tell you that I truly have.

Listen, I lived in the projects. Poverty, drugs and gang violence was all too familiar to me. So I grew up wanting to strive for a life for myself that was outside of the normality I had experienced. In particular, I went in on becoming a successful entrepreneur. Owning a salon was the ultimate goal. This was going to be my means to an end. I poured myself into building generational wealth with this idea. But there was something greater that kept pulling at me, and although doing hair was an exciting profitable talent I had nurtured, it just didn’t sit with me the way a true purpose does. There was something more that I needed.

That, like many of you, is what led me here. And I promise you it was not easy to get here. There are some things that were hard, are still hard to give up or set aside, things that I see no harm in but were creating some noise in my life where I couldn’t focus on His message for me clearly. I’m not gonna lie, there are probably things you’ll have to set aside (and I use this phrase because I am not here to tell you you need to quit anything in order to continue on this path). However, distractions do exist.

There will always be seasons in life. Where things come and go, ebb and flow, but it’s part of all of our journeys. And if one day you feel as though you don’t want to put those things aside, that’s ok too! God still grants you grace, even when you don’t respond, or put things on pause, the great thing about Him is that he will always be there.

Working with me means I’m here to help you figure out the things you need to set aside, put on pause and reassess, you don’t have to do this alone! Go here and I can show you what it’ll look like when we work together! 


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