The Passion in My Soul.....

I believe that finding our “Why”purpose in life is like eating the best meal you’ve ever had.

Or, on a note not so life-changing, following that purpose in your heart is like eating bland, unseasoned food for months and then going home and having that meal that’s the definition of comfort.

It does something for your soul that can’t be compared to any other meal out there. It wraps you in this feeling of security, of times when things made sense and you could breathe easily.

Something that may surprise you is I thought becoming a licensed cosmetologist was supposed to be my thing. Having a desire to do hair as a little girl and having an opportunity to own my own hair business was the move. I know, it’s a pretty stark contrast to helping people along their path to own their purpose.

But real talk, that was what I chose as my path.

I had a list and an action plan of how I was going to grow and become successful in that business.

But it always felt like there was a little something missing. That even though I was mentally invested in this path I’d chosen, I wasn’t fully invested with my heart and soul and the love I had for it, would come and go.

It turns out, it wasn’t what I needed.

Look, I’m 40+ and thrivin’, but before I got here, and I was in my 30s I had this idea in my head (you know how that goes) that as soon as I hit 40 I was going to arrive.

And I pictured it like a slow-mo of me opening the doors to the arena of life and straight slayin’

But that’s not what happened.

40 came and I was left feeling underwhelmed, and to be honest, a bit dejected. I was doing the thing. I was making the moves and being a “responsible” adult. Paying my bills and pouring myself into the things that I thought was going to fill the well in my soul. I kept looking at myself in the mirror and wondering “Why are you not where you need to be?” I mean, I was living, but I didn’t feel ALIVE. Sound familiar?

And then it hit me…

It was because I let my desires from my child’s mind get in the way of my adult dreams and aspirations. I hadn’t yet shifted into the mindset that was to support the person I would become

I needed to get out of my funk so that I could hear God’s plan for me, and hear it with clarity. But trust me when I say… that took a minute.

I’m the perfect example of someone who heard that whisper of God’s purpose for me and resisted. I held tight to old beliefs that I believed satisfied me until the feeling of unfulfillment began to breed.

You might be feeling that vibe yourself…the one where confusion settles in because you don't know where your happiness lies, annoyance and irritation becomes a usual expression out of things you used to enjoy, and you become disconnected and lack motivation for what you believed you were once upon a time most passionate about.

Again, I get it.

The work I had to do is how I became able to assist you today.

When God called me to become a life coach, I ran and ran for a while. I began to fill my time with all the things I liked to do, but it didn’t provide much impact or make me feel that I was purposed to do it. Now, everything has a season, and there are many things to learn and wisdom to behold, but sometimes even unfulfillment will play a part so we can identify what fulfillment really is.

In my journey of ‘yes’, God has shown me my purpose is to help others discover the mindset that will enable them to realize their calling, their purpose and to overcome any obstacle that tries to get in the way.

Along this path of mine, there’s been a lot of times whereI could see my destination off in the distance...
I was in a field of grass that had grown well above my head and sometimes I got turned around, distracted by one thing and then the next.

I’m here to help you clear the path to see what’s being laid out. Like we’re going through a jungle and we both have a machete. Each of us is going to see something different along the way and once we get to that clearing, I’m not here to tell you what’s there, that’s for you to experience. My job is to help you clear out the noise, the mess, the negative words so that you can get to that clearing and live in and on purpose.

Ready To Conquer Your Mindset

You can grab my guide “Uncover & Conquer Barriers of the Mind” to help you assess where you are on your journey.